Hey, I’m Israel Ogbole

I write about Cloud-native Observability, eBPF, Containers, Kubernetes, and OTel.
Additionally, I journal my daughter Naomi's coding journey—a nine-year-old with a growing passion for programming.

When I'm not working, you'll find me teaching my girls how to code, taking long bike trips that sometimes turn into hikes in good weather, playing chess, tinkering with Arduino boards, or enjoying meals and drinks with friends & family.

I was crazy enough to enrol in an MBA program a while ago. I'm glad it's now over, I graduated with a distinction in MBA Data Analytics.

I work as a Product Manager and I love data.

The Architect of the Year Award

The Architect of the Year Award

Despite all the odds in 2020...this award means a lot to me, and I will cherish the trophy for a long time...

Implementing Zero Trust Security in Kubernetes

Implementing Zero Trust Security in Kubernetes

The vulnerability in castle-and-moat security systems is exacerbated by the emergence of micro-services and cloud-native technologies. The question is, how can a Zero trust model be implemented in a Kubernetes environment ?

Tribute to Ioannis Christoudis - A colleague & a mentee turned friend

Tribute to Ioannis Christoudis - A colleague & a mentee turned friend

Farewell my friend, Ioannis. Sorry, you had to close the chapter this soon. I am happy for the opportunity to have mentored you...You spoke about your recovery from COVID, and I told you about my recovery from COVID, too. But COVID came back for you, this time, not to spare.

Why Does A Techie Like Me Need An MBA?

Why Does A Techie Like Me Need An MBA?

Terraform Certification: Tips and Prep Strategy

Terraform Certification: Tips and Prep Strategy

Terraform is a declarative orchestration tool for provisioning and versioning of infrastructure. I have been working with Terraform at my workplace for a while, albeit from a Monitoring-as-Code perspective. Here is how I prepared for and passed the Terraform Certification exam...

The Ultimate CKAD Prep Guide

The Ultimate CKAD Prep Guide

The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) program was developed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). I passed the exam and these notes summarise what you should expect if you’re preparing it.

Kubeval CI/CD: Kubernetes Manifests Validation

Kubeval CI/CD: Kubernetes Manifests Validation

Setting up Shibboleth like a BOSS: Tales of my journey into the SSO Dark World

Setting up Shibboleth like a BOSS: Tales of my journey into the SSO Dark World

Have you ever wondered how SSO work under the hood? I was battered by various complex SSO/LDAP integration issues, I decided to make it personal...