I am super stoked. I attended my graduation with family and friends, and I am especially proud that my kids were present. The moment was surreal, surrounded by the people who supported me throughout this journey.

Needless to say, doing an MBA whilst working full-time and a young family wasn’t exactly easy. Balancing work responsibilities, family time, and the demands of the MBA program required a lot of dedication and sacrifice. Late nights, early mornings, and countless weekends were spent studying and completing assignments. But then again, nothing good comes easy in life.

Despite the challenges, the journey was incredibly rewarding. I learned so much, not only from the courses but also from the diverse experiences and perspectives of my classmates. The skills and knowledge I gained have already started to pay off in my professional life, and I am excited about the new opportunities that lie ahead.

Here’s a glimpse of the ceremony, a moment I will cherish forever:

It was worth it!

